5 Ways to Improve Managing Remote Employees
Posted on 08/11/20 By Lorman Team
Project managers and other team leaders face the challenge of managing employees remotely. This may be the new normal as offices changed the way they functioned as a response to the pandemic.
Some companies will remain remote while others will have rotating office days. This may prove to be a more efficient way to operate in the future.
5 Tips for Managing Remote Teams
This new style of management is based on telecommuting and working with employees in different locations. Therefore, managers will need to learn how to efficiently work remotely.
5. Video and Phone Calls
Use Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, Duo, and other visual media to manage remote teams or a single person. Seeing your team members as a group or as individuals makes a difference. This is very important if you normally saw your team in the office or other business environments.
Video conferences give people on the team the opportunity to express themselves and exchange ideas. They keep in touch with each other even though they may be miles apart.
A video conference or single employee meeting is also the best way to share design and other visual information. Yes, you can share visuals on the computer, but you may want to show a design idea or product in real-time.
Remote employees also respond well to personal phone calls from managers. An efficient manager will learn whatever works best for the team members.
An email will always be useful, but verbal communication is far more effective and efficient. You can use email to set a conference or call time.
4. The Right Equipment is Mandatory
Remote team management requires everyone on your team to have the necessary equipment. Ask your team members what they need to work efficiently at home.
This may start with computers but it can extend to printers, fax machines, and special tech equipment when necessary. If an employee is unsure of a program or how to work a piece of equipment such as a 3-D printer, recommend the necessary professional online training programs.
All computers and mobile devices should be compatible. Employees often have different computers in their home office. They may have different smartphones as well.
3. Establish a Regular Communications Time
You may have to check in with a distant company or client at dawn or hold a conference at midnight your time. This is part of remote team management if your workforce is spread out over the world or in varying time zones.
Setting a regular time for daily or weekly video conferences builds rapport with the team. It is a dedicated time when employees can ask questions and share ideas. You may also tell workers that they can contact you at any time during their regular work hours.
2. Always Be Compassionate, Flexible and Respectful
Continue to engage remote employees with praise for the good work they are doing under unusual conditions. Encourage them to call each other or chat online. It is often necessary to commiserate with them.
Working remotely can be more comfortable for some people. They do not have to get dressed and spend time commuting to the office. They may prefer to do some of their work at odd hours. Let them know that you appreciate the flexible lifestyle.
According to a survey in Flexjobs of 9,700 young workers, flexibility is a favored job perk. These people love their job flexibility because they can set their own work time.
An effective remote manager demonstrates compassion. The manager may be in the same situation. Schedule calls when they are convenient for everyone involved.
1. Provide Professional Development Opportunities
Supporting remote workers wherever they live is the most important part of team leadership. Give your team members regular updates on the progress of work among all the employees.
Suggest programs that will help them with professional development in their field. This includes regulatory and compliance procedures for many businesses.
Training on How to be a Better Remote Manager
Good team leaders will become experts in remote management. Lorman offers a variety of online training programs to help managers successfully manage remote teams.
Featured courses:
- Performance Metrics for Your Remote Workforce
- Best Practices for Delivering Remote Presentations and Meetings
- Fostering a Respectful Remote and In-Person Workplace
- Sending People Home to Work: Seven Steps to Faster Success
- Managing a Remote Sales Team
- Setting up Telecommuters for Success
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