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25 Personal Development Courses in 2021

25 Personal Development Courses in 2021

Posted on 01/05/21 By Brittany K. King

Self-improvement is the common theme among New Year’s resolutions this year as people commit to personal development at home and in the office. In fact, nearly one quarter of Americans have committed to improving their job performance in 2021.

Personal development courses help you improve your capabilities, build human capital, increase employability, and even helps you grasp your ambitions. As with any type of learning, personal development is a lifelong endeavor and not something that can be achieved overnight.

We compiled a selection of on-demand and upcoming live personal development online courses to help you kickstart your learning journey this year.

Below are the 25 best personal development courses to take in 2021:

Time Management & Productivity 

Poor time management and wasted productivity are common challenges in the modern workplace. According to, 31% of workers waste about 30 minutes of their time every workday, while the top 10% of those surveyed waste three or more hours each day. This adds up to more than 15 hours per week of wasted productivity.

To combat this, the average person has tried or uses 13 different methods for managing their time. However, this only contributes to the issue at hand.

Improving time management and increasing productivity are important personal development skills to acquire in your career.

1. 5 Steps for Managing Projects

2. Building Resilience: Overcoming Setbacks and Personal Failures

3. Time Management and Work-Life Balance

4. Techniques for Getting and Staying Organized

5. Powerful Productivity Strategies

6. How to Organize and Prioritize Your Workload

7. Delegating 101: How to Effectively Delegate

Software & Technical Capabilities 

Learning new technical capabilities should be at the top of your list of personal development skills to learn.

But what are the benefits of gaining better capabilities with popular software? According to a study by Showbiz Cheat Sheet, 67% of “middle-skill” jobs require proficiency in Microsoft Word and Excel.

Similarly, a basic understanding of content management systems (CMS) is becoming more important in today’s workforce. WordPress, for instance, is the most popular CMS on the market and currently powers more than 35% of the web.

8. Microsoft Excel Formatting Issues and Techniques

9. Microsoft Outlook Tips and Tricks

10. Advanced Microsoft Excel PivotTables

11. Utilizing Microsoft Word Features and Functions

12. WordPress Fundamentals for Professionals

Communication & Critical Thinking 

Communication is key, which is why 75% of employers believe there should be a stronger focus on written communication skills at the college level to prepare workers to communicate properly throughout their careers.

Additionally, 93% of employers say that a demonstrated capacity to think critically, communicate clearly, and solve complex problems is important.

Communication and critical thinking skills are in high demand and crucial to your personal development efforts.


13. From Butterflies to Speaking Highs: Presenting with Confidence

14. Building Memory Skills: Tips and Techniques for Instant Recall

15. Understanding Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence

16. Grammar Rule Basics for Business Writing

17. The Basics of Persuasive Communication

18. Tips on How to Sound More Professional at Work

19. Improve Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving in the Workplace

20. Solving Problems with Critical Thinking

Wellness & Growth 

There is a strong link between your personal wellness and your professional life. Put simply, if you are stressed or unwell at home, it will almost certainly be reflected in the office.

Similarly, 54% of workers say that stress from work affects their home life. Job demands, relationships at work, lack of support, and role conflict are among the top work-related stressors.

Learning to manage work demands and mitigate stress should be high priority for your personal development in 2021.


21. Maintain Strong Relationships in the Era of a Global Pandemic

22. All Stressed Up and Nowhere to Go: Enhance Health, Wellness and Productivity by Managing Stress

23. How to Be a Marketing Superhero When Your Background Isn't in Marketing

24. Secrets of The Rich and Famous: Protecting Your Loved Ones and Your Property

25. Tips and Techniques that Develop, Replace and Return Dollars That Help You Create a Better Lifestyle



Looking for more courses like the ones above? Check out our list of the top 50 Professional Development Courses



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