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Improve Employee Mental Health with Training

Improve Employee Mental Health with Training

Posted on 03/16/21 By Lorman Team

It's a known fact that unhappy employees are more likely to leave your organization than those who are satisfied in their roles.

However, not every organization is good at recognizing the mental state of its employees.

By learning how to take care of your employee mental health, you will not only improve their productivity and loyalty but also increase your company's value.

What Helps to Improve Employee Mental Health and Well-Being?

First of all, management needs to be aware of where the problems currently exist.

You can't solve mental health problems in the office if you don't know how to detect when employees are stressed.

When you help your employees improve their mental health, you also help your company cut decrease turnover rate.

1. Promote Open Communication

By promoting an open environment where everyone can talk freely, you are empowering employees to discuss their problems without fear of repercussions.

During difficult times, many employees reportedly have trouble sharing their deeper thoughts with coworkers, especially if the company they work for has a competitive environment.

When this goes on for a long time, the employee will end up feeling disconnected in the workplace, which is one of the top reasons why people leave a company. 

2. Provide Training to Help Combat Workplace Stress

Most managers think that employee training is for job-related skills only, but this could not be further from the truth. 

Employee mental health issues can be improved if the right training is provided.

Here are two ideas to help you get started:

  • Offer employee mental health training programs. Employees at all levels of business have trouble dealing with conflict and stress in the workplace. You can help them by offering a course that shows them how to resolve conflicts or manage stress and anxiety at work.

  • Block time off for training completion. Many employees will feel stressed if they are required to complete training while assuming normal duties at work. To avoid adding more burden to already stressed employees, consider allocating time for them to focus solely on the training.

3. Improve Time Management Skills to Increase Productivity

Sometimes an employee's stress problem has to do with their performance at work.

If that is the case, make sure you provide them with the right time management courses to help them manage their time better.

When they know how to prioritize tasks and declutter their workspace, employee productivity usually improves.

4. Be a Compassionate Leader

It's not easy keeping your employees engaged as a workplace leader

If you want to be a good leader, you need to be compassionate. 

  • Let your employees know that they can come to talk to you anytime they need to and be a good listener when they discuss their problems.

  • Allow more time for new hires to get used to the job.

  • Make sure everyone is well aware of their duties and expectations.

  • Accommodate employees with mental health issues by providing the right resources such as training, counseling, time-off, and flexible working conditions.


Stress in the workplace is a common issue that exists in most companies.

How you, as a manager, deal with it will make a difference between a successful business and a failing business with a high turnover rate.

By providing the right support, partly from training programs, you can equip employees with the right knowledge on how to tackle stress and improve their work-life balance.  



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