5 Recruiting Ideas To Help Generate Candidates:

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November 03, 2017

5 Recruiting Ideas To Help Generate Candidates:

Recruiting new candidates that want to join your business can be a challenge. You want to add more great people to your team but that means not adding just "anybody". Long gone are the days of companies just going to job fairs and hoping that the right candidate magically appears at their booth during the event. Sure, classic ways of finding employees like job fairs or word of mouth still can produce some great candidates, however, in a cutthroat business of trying to find the best candidates for your company the time has come when corporations are getting creative.

The following are the top 5 unique and interesting ways that companies have taken to recruiting new hires in 2017:

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  • Begin Hiring on a Contingency Basis: These are also often known as "gig economies" and or "contracting and consulting" gigs. This essentially means that the company "rents" workers out to begin with and they work on an "as-needed" basis. This works great for many companies as having a constant flow of new talent coming in demands that new hires work to their full potential to impress the company. If the person is doing a good job, then they can be offered a permanent spot in the company long-term.
  • Map Out Your Candidate's Journeys: When interviewing candidates sit down as a team and map out theoretical "journeys" that this client may take. Will they end up staying with your company long term? Are they likely to only be there a short time? What does your company feel they gain or lose by hiring this person on as an employee? These very types of questions can help a company determine if a candidate is worth the investment before hiring. Granted, there are many different journeys a candidate may choose to take, so plan them out and weigh the likelihood of each one. This can help determine if you have found the right addition to your company or if it's best to keep on looking.
  • Optimize Your Job Ads For Mobile Devices: Ensure that your job ads can be viewed on mobile devices More and more job seekers are looking for jobs on their mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets. If they can't access your website, job applications, and information they are less likely to apply with your company and find a company whose information they can view more easily.
  • The New "Talent Generation Management" Has Arrived: New technologies are allowing companies to see every interaction that a prospective employee has with their company. This information helps remove a lot of the guesswork in who the company is hiring and what kind of quality of an employee they will be. This same information helps companies understand their candidates and what makes them the most likely to accept a job versus turning it down.
  • Companies Must Recognize Candidates Increasing Motivation To Seek Quality Jobs: Companies will do themselves a service to understand that candidates are continuing to do more and more research when they are looking for a quality employer. Candidates are also out to seek better working terms regarding better benefits, more vacation time, higher salaries, and better working conditions. Companies must set themselves apart as a great place to work and they will attract more high-quality candidates.

These are some of the trends that businesses have seen start to take hold in 2017. These are not your traditional job fairs and sit down interviews, however, being at the forefront of these trends can ensure that your business is getting the best candidates for the positions that they have available. The more high-quality candidates you attract to apply to work at your company the more choices you can make about choosing only the cream of the crop to work at your corporation.

For more information about the latest hiring practices and what is influencing people choosing jobs today please feel free to contact us

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