Understand the relationship between a self-care mindset and time management.
There are many books, articles, and workshops that focus on how to manage your time. What many of these resources are missing is that time management is an expression of our relationship with ourselves. When we don't know what matters most to us personally or when we don't honor what matters to ourselves, we are always reactive to outside influences. That sets us up to experience time as something we don't have enough of compared to all the external demands coming in on us. Instead, we should be using time as a tool to help us realize our purpose and navigate the environment we are currently living in to do that. This topic will help individuals understand the relationship between their self-care mindset and practices with how time management works for or against them. That includes using the critical skills needed to be successful at radical self-care, including purposeful mindset, internal locus of control, priority setting, managing expectations, and boundary setting. This material will also review the three Cs that enable success with the above - consistency, care, and creativity.
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What Is Radical Self-Care?
- What Is It?
- Why Do Many of Us Struggle With It?
- Why Do We Need to Master It?
How Does Time Management Enable Radical Self-Care?
- How to Build Self-Awareness Around How You Spend Your Time Is a Key to Change
- What Are the Common Time Management Traps We Fall Into?
- Why Our Mindset and Being Clear About Our Own Purpose Can Shift Everything
What Are the Ingredients for Success?
- What Are the Skills Needed?
- Why so Many of Us Struggle With Setting Boundaries and Follow Through
- What Are the Shifts Needed to Make It Easier to Apply These Skills?
How to Leverage Energy Management to Enable Real Time Management
- Why Does Energy Management Matter?
- How to Integrate Time Management to Align With Your Energy Patterns
- What Are Some Tactics for Making Your Calendar Your Best Friend?
- How to Tackle Common Challenges
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Over 38 years and 1.4 million customers worth of experience providing continuing education. Our passion is providing you world-class training to help you succeed in business and as a professional.
OnDemand Course
This course was last revised on February 2, 2022.
Call 1-866-352-9540 for further credit information.
- This course is pre-approved through the American Society of Administrative Professionals (ASAP) for 0.1 CEU(s) towards your PACE Recertification.
- IAAP 1.0
- All education that aligns with the CAP Body of Knowledge can be used toward recertification. Lorman Education Services believes this course does align and should be counted toward recertification. Please visit IAAP's certification webpage to review recertification details and requirements. https://www.iaap-hq.org/page/CAP_Recertification. Course Length: 1.0.
This program does NOT qualify, nor meet the National Standard for NASBA accreditation.
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Over 38 years and 1.4 million customers worth of experience providing continuing education. Our passion is providing you world-class training to help you succeed in business and as a professional.

Heather MacArthur
The Executive Advisory
- Senior consultant, The Executive Advisory, LLC and owner of On Purpose Learning Programs, Inc.
- More than 20 years of experience working internally within small, midsize, and large global organizations leading learning and development departments
- Background is varied in several industries such as military, industrial, retail, entertainment, and operational
- Has worked with various functions, such as finance, technology, maintenance, creative, marketing, etc.
- Author of Your Career on Purpose: Stop Begging for a Promotion, Start Selling Your Genius
- Contributor, Forbes Magazine
- Holds certifications in various leadership, executive coaching, and assessment tools, in-cluding Emotional Intelligence, DISC, Hogan, Birkman, Myers Briggs, Executive Coaching, etc.
- M.A. degree in mass communications and screenwriting, California State University, Northridge; B.A. degree in psychology and criminal justice, University of Maryland
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 818-907-1178
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