Learn how adopting the Total Quality Management Program will benefit your company.
Most organizations recognize the importance of satisfying customers if they are to achieve financial performance goals. What is not as well- known is the importance of adopting Total Quality Management Programs with both the customer and the organization's employees in mind. Satisfied employees make satisfied customers possible. Therefore, it is imperative that the employee-customer interaction be treated as a single unit in implementing Total Quality Management initiatives. This topic helps persons responsible for its organization's Total Quality Management Program to integrate customer and employee concerns into its initiatives. The material will also help identify appropriate interventions that can assure customer and employee satisfaction.
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Implementing a Total Quality Management System
- Customer Emphasis
- Employee Involvement
- Process-Centered
- Developing an Integrated System
- Using a Strategic and Systematic Approach
- Striving for Continual Improvement
- Making Decisions Based on Facts and Data
- Developing a Communications Strategy
The Use of Human Sigma as Part of a TQM Program
- Managing the Employee-Customer Experience in Tandem
- The Role of Emotion in the Employee-Customer Interaction
- Measuring and Managing the Employee-Customer Interaction at a Local Level
- Measuring the Effectiveness of the Employee-Customer Interaction and Its Relationship to Financial Performance
- Improving Local Performance Through Transactional and Transformational Interventions
Specific Management Interventions for TQM Programs
- Action Planning
- Training
- Coaching
- Employee-Manager Selection, Development and Promotion
- Succession Planning
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This course was last revised on November 28, 2018.
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Bob Churilla
Conflict Resolution Professionals Group
- Partner and co-founder of Conflict Resolution Professionals Group (CRPG), a conflict resolution and consensus building consulting firm that specializes in helping organizations to resolve conflict and build consensus through mediation, facilitation, training, coaching, consulting, and team building
- Some of his clients include the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Transportation Security Administration (TSA), Unity Worldwide Ministries, Ohio Historical Society, and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)
- Also, a visiting professor at DeVry University and teaches classes on leadership, negotiation, workplace conflict and managing organizational change in the school’s graduate programs
- Has served as the programming chair for both the International Coach Federation - Cleveland, Ohio Chapter and the Organizational Development Connection, Cleveland Chapter
- Published the article “Coping and Planning for Uncertainties in the Development of Exceptions to the Employment-at-Will Doctrine” in the Cleveland State Law Review, 1989
- Ph.D. degree in conflict resolution and analysis; J.D. degree
- Can be contacted at 440-725-8723 or [email protected]
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