Design professionals who prepare specifications face a dilemma with each specification section they write and that is how to name and classify the manufacturers and products around which the specification is constructed.
Many specifiers do not understand the various contexts in which manufacturers and products can be named. Also there is a debate about the applicability of the "or equal" clause and a general lack of understanding of the primary methods of specifying. This on-demand webinar will help design professionals write better specifications because they will have a better understanding of the various ways, reasons, and implications of naming manufacturers and products. The notion of what makes a manufacturer and product "acceptable" will be examined to establish the criteria for making decisions about acceptability. Additionally, design professionals should have a better grasp of when substitutions are required and when they are not, and basic guidelines for approving or disapproving substitutions. Learning Objectives: •You will be able to define reasons for naming manufacturers and products. •You will be able to discuss ways of naming products in specifications. •You will be able to review methods of specifying. •You will be able to explain the role of substitutions during construction administration.
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Reasons and Methods for Naming Manufacturers and Products in Specifications
Ways of Naming Products in Specifications
"Required" - Manufacturer and Product
- Reasons for Using and Implications for Construction
"Acceptable" - Manufacturers and Products
- What Makes a Manufacturer "Acceptable"
- Reasons for Using and Implications for Construction
"Available" - Manufacturers and Products
- What Makes Manufacturers "Available"
- Reasons for Using and Implications for Construction
"No Named" - Manufacturers and Products
- Reasons for Using and Implications for Construction
"Basis of Design" - Manufacturer and Product
- Reasons for Using and Implications for Construction
- Role of Substitutions
- Suggested Language
The "Or Equal" Debate
- Or Approved Equal, or Acceptable Equal
- Naming Only One Manufacturer, Even in a Public-Bid Project
- Keeping Green in Your "Or Equal" Specifications
Methods of Specifying
- Descriptive
- Performance
- Reference Standard
- Proprietary
For Building Product Manufacturers: Tips for Holding Specs, Breaking Specs, Assisting Specifiers
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OnDemand Course
This course was last revised on April 30, 2014.
Call 1-866-352-9540 for further credit information.
This program does NOT qualify, nor meet the National Standard for NASBA accreditation.
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Mark Kalin, FAIA, FCSI, LEED®
Kalin Associates Inc.
Mr. Mark Kalin, FAIA, FCSI, LEED®
- President with Kalin Associates Inc. Specifications
- Founded in 1984, the firm has prepared specifications for more than 4,000 projects, including more than 400 projects seeking USGBC LEED® certification
- Registered architect, CSI construction document technology certified, and USGBC LEED® accredited professional
- Past-national technical committee chairman, Construction Specifications Institute
- Instructor, Harvard University Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, Massachusetts
- Wrote Kalin Associates Master Short-Form Specifications and BIMspec Specifiers’ Property Sets
- Co-wrote, Construction Specifications Writing, Sixth Edition, 2010 published by Wiley
- Past-president, Specifications Consultants in Independent Practice (SCIP); past-chair, AIA Masterspec Review Committee
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or
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