Software Training & Continuing Education

Software Training Including Live Virtual Presentations, On-demand Training Resources and Bookstore products

It seems that new business software products are hitting the market on almost a daily basis. If you don’t take the time to hone your software skills, you’re in danger of falling behind your peers and limiting your career possibilities. Lorman Education Services offers convenient, affordable software training for business professionals that will help you stay up-to-date and compliant.

Software Training Encompassing All Relevant Concepts

You’ll find a tremendous selection of software training programs designed to meet the needs of the modern business professional. Increase your proficiency in Word, Excel, PowerPoint and the entire suite of Microsoft Office products.

You can also develop skills in areas such as HTML formatting, web page design and structure, financial modeling and more. Successful completion of many of our software training courses can help you earn and maintain various industry certifications such as Certified Bookkeeper and Certified Accounting Compliance.

Convenient Online Software Training for Business Professionals

You can complete your software training without setting foot outside of your home or office. View engaging online presentations featuring timely, relevant information that subject-matter experts deliver in real time. You can also access our on-demand training resources such as webinars, slide-deck presentations, videos and whitepapers that offer an effective, self-directed learning experience.

Take a Look at Our Current Software Training Course Offerings

Lorman Education Services has met the training and continuing education needs of 1.4 million busy professionals — and we can meet yours, too. Please take a look at our current selection of software training programs and feel free to contact us for more information.