Learn about three objectives that criminal tax defense attorneys representing a client in an eggshell audit commonly seek to achieve.
Once an IRS revenue agent becomes aware that a taxpayer may have filed one or more fraudulent tax returns the criminal defense counsel must weigh the benefit of continuing to cooperate with the agent in an effort to quell the agent’s suspicion or choosing to advise his client to remain silent to protect the taxpayer from self-incriminating themselves by admitting to the fraud or in making statements that the auditor later proves to be lies which amounts to a felony in and of itself as it is a felony to lie to a federal agent. This white paper reviews what the criminal tax defense attorney’s largest concern in an eggshell audit is and discusses possible outcomes for eggshell audits.

David W. Klasing, Esq.,M.S.-Tax CPA
Tax Law Offices of David W. Klasing
- Owner of the Tax Law Offices of David W. Klasing
- A dually licensed tax attorney and CPA, his practice emphasizes all aspects of civil and criminal tax defense representation
- Regularly presents seminars and workshops on numerous civil and criminal, domestic and international tax topics to attorneys and CPA’s across the nation
- Written several publications related to the areas of civil and criminal tax controversy
- Can be contacted at 949 681-3502, [email protected] or on Twitter® @dwklasing

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