Gain insight into several different surveys.
The land survey is a critical part of real estate practice. All parties involved need to be knowledgeable of the different types of surveys. With this knowledge, a thoroughly researched, accurate and clear representation of the property can be achieved. For the purpose of this white paper nine types of surveys will be defined: boundary surveys, topographic surveys, ALTA/NSPS surveys, as-built surveys, easement surveys, construction surveys, aerial surveys, hydrographic surveys, and control surveys. The material will also discuss land record systems.

John M. Story, P.L.S.
Donaldson, Garrett & Associates, Inc.
- Senior vice president and Charlotte branch manager of Donaldson, Garrett & Associates, Inc.
- Professional land surveyor registered in North and South Carolina, Alabama, Florida, Tennessee, Georgia, and Virginia
- More than 43 years of experience with a varied and extensive background in boundary, topographic, construction, and as-built surveys in the commercial, governmental, and residential market
- Worked extensively with utility companies in coordinating right-of-way and design surveys, as well as industrial clients who require optical tooling
- Member of the North Carolina Society of Surveyors
- B.S. degree, Georgia Southwestern College (now Georgia Southwestern State University); B.C.E.T. degree, Southern Technical Institute (now Kennesaw State University)
- Can be contacted at 704-374-1955 or [email protected]

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