Learn tips for better communication.
Building rapport between executives and administrative assistants is vital to achieving a rewarding and successful business and personal relationship. Even though professionals understand the value of skillfully using information technology tools, there are many that completely overlook the importance and effectiveness of interpersonal communication skills. This white paper provides a list of the top 9 communication tips for executive and administrative assistants.

Joan Burge
Office Dynamics International
- Founder and CEO of Office Dynamics International and pioneer of the administrative training industry, since 1990
- Office Dynamics International, is the global industry leader offering a broad range of solutions and providing high-performance, sophisticated executive and administrative assistant training and coaching
- An accomplished speaker, corporate trainer, instructional designer, coach, and author
- Written 5 books for assistants including the Amazon best seller, Who Took My Pen…Again?
- Produced more than 350 educational videos for administrative professionals
- Created 3 certification/designation courses for administrative and executive assistants
- Hosted 28 annual in-person conferences for assistants
- Designed more than 250 standalone courses and workshops for executive and administrative assistants
- Coached more than 300 executives and assistants on building strategic partnerships
- Can be contacted at 800-STAR-139 or [email protected] and you can also follow her at Facebook.com/OfficeDynamics or connect at LinkedIn.com/in/JoanBurge

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