The world has moved on with trust decanting now being widely used.
The UTC was completed in 2000. It was in large part an effort to codify the American common law of trusts as understood at that time. But certain provisions of the UTC were and are being overtaken by developing trends. This white paper reviews those trends, as well as an overview of the UTC and an analysis of selected provisions.
David English
University of Missouri
- W.F. Fratcher Professor of Law, University of Missouri
- Reporter, drafting committee on Uniform Trust Code
- Uniform Law Commissioner, State of Missouri
- Vice chair, ABA Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law
- Former chair, ABA Commission on Law and Aging
- Former chair, Probate and Trust Committee, the Missouri Bar
- Academic Fellow, American College of Trust and Estate Counsel; Fellow, International Academy of Estate and Trust Law
- Presents on UTC throughout the U.S. and internationally
- Co-author, Tax, Estate and Financial Planning for the Elderly (Lexis) and Wills, Trusts and Estates (West Academic); successor author, Missouri Surrogate Laws Manual (Thompson), and Missouri Probate Law and Practice (Thompson)
- J.D. degree, Northwestern University; B.A. degree, Duke University
- Can be contacted at [email protected]

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