Simply put, it's time to embrace a cloud-connected world that has become increasingly decentralized.
Though today's elevated productivity levels are undoubtedly a testament to workers who have become more efficient, more effective with their time, and more mindful of how much must be done during each day on the job, they're also a tribute to the powerful role of technology in the workplace. Whether it's an office, a construction job site, or top-floor executive offices, today's cloud-connected devices are rapidly changing the way business is done in a major way. For those who are looking to embrace the latest technologies in cloud-based business and seamless collaboration, it's worth reviewing the most effective tools, technologies, and routines, to make that a reality.
Learning Objectives
- Learn how to collaborate in new ways with cloud-connected software tools.
- Review how mobile payments are transforming the connected jobsite.
- Identify how cloud-connected office applications can improve productivity.

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