Learn the four basic approaches to risk control.
To fully appreciate risk management, you need to have insight into loss exposures, those items of value that are in danger of losing their value due to natural or man-made reasons. There are four risk management treatments that can be used to limit loss exposure. While risk can be a good thing and makes room for productivity, uncontrolled risk can be a bad thing as it can threaten asset value. This white paper discusses the four basic approaches to risk control.

Chris Conti
RiskWise Safety Consulting LLC
- Owner/President RiskWise
- Practice includes safety, insurance and claims
- RiskWise has many articles available to inform readers on OSHA safety, risk management topics and labor
- Member, American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE); Society of Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters (CPCU); Committee Member of the Loss Control Section Society of CPCU
- Board Certified Safety Professional (CSP); associate in Loss Control Management (ALCM); Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriter (CPCU); associate in Risk Management (ARM); Certified Insurance Counselor
- B.S.B.A. degree; graduate of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette (formerly USL)
- Can be contacted at 225-413-7542 or [email protected]

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