It's never too earlier to start planning for the holidays.
Most employers celebrate the holidays by throwing a party for their employees. It creates a positive feeling among the team and can connect colleagues that may not get to interact with their day-to-day duties. While the idea of having a party always has the best intentions, a quick search online can show how things can take a quick turn for the worst … all captured on social media. This white paper reviews some precautions that employers can take to save the company from a social media headache at the holidays.

Zoe Argento
Littler Mendelson P.C.
- Member of Workplace Privacy and Data Security Group at Littler Mendelson, P.C., the world’s largest labor and employment law firm
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of workplace privacy and data security
- Regularly presents on social media and the workplace
- Widely published on internet law, including articles published in the Yale Journal of Law & Technology and Columbia Journal of Law & Arts
- Co-author of Littler on Employee Monitoring
- Winner of The Burton Award for best law firm writer
- Taught internet law at University of Colorado Law School and Roger Williams University School of Law
- Certified Information Privacy Professional
- J.D. degree, Boston College Law School; B.A. degree, Harvard College
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or

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