Learn best practices to assist in the never-ending quest to reduce unnecessary costs.
Most employers are required to make monetary contributions to their state’s unemployment compensation fund. Those contribution funds, in turn, are pooled together with other employers’ funds. That pooled fund is the source for unemployment compensation benefits paid to eligible displaced employees. Some employers view the granting of unemployment compensation benefits as a “cost of doing business.” They believe the system is slanted to granting benefits so why bother fighting it. Presumably, those employers have unnecessarily high contribution rates. Those rates could be much lower if employers would engage in a series of “best practices” that will minimize their risk that an individual will receive unemployment compensation benefits. Another cost-saving by-product of those “best practices” is a concomitant reduction in the likelihood an employer will be faced with costly settlements or jury verdicts in an employment lawsuit filed by that same employee. This white paper will review those best practices and recent case law.

Steven T. McDevitt, Esq.
Baker & Hostetler LLP
- Attorney in Frost Brown Todd LLC’s Cincinnati, OH office
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of Labor and Employment
- Conducts regular seminars and workshops on employment discrimination, workplace leave laws, and unemployment compensation
- J.D. degree, Georgetown University Law Center; B.A. degree, University of Notre Dame
- Can be contacted at 513-651-6997 or [email protected]

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