Learn what options are available after the trial is over.
The trial is over; the jury has returned a verdict; and judgment on the verdict has been entered. The judgment on the verdict may be for the plaintiff; it may be for the defendant; or it may be mixed. What now? A party that is unhappy with the verdict generally has three immediate vehicles to affect a change in the judgment on the verdict. This white paper reviews those options, which are distinct, but not mutually exclusive and many times parties pursue multiple options.

James C. Martin
Reed Smith LLP
- Partner with Reed Smith LLP with more than 35 years of experience practicing appellate law
- Best Lawyers in America Appellate Practice
- Fellow and former president, American Academy of Appellate Lawyers
- Southern California and Pennsylvania Super Lawyers in Appellate Law
- Founding member and former president, Third Circuit Bar Association
- Co-editor and chapter author, Third Circuit Appellate Practice Guide
- Member and former president, California Academy of Appellate Lawyers
- Can be contacted at 412-288-3546 or [email protected]

Devin M. Misour
Reed Smith LLP
- Senior associate with Reed Smith LLP with appellate experience in state and federal appellate courts nationwide
- Practice involves appeals and issues related to appeals, including post-trial motions
- Member, Third Circuit Lawyers’ Advisory Committee
- Executive board member, Allegheny County Bar Association Federal Court Section
- Former Law Clerk, U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania (Judge Joy Flowers Conti) and U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit (Judge D. Michael Fisher)
- Can be contacted at 412-288-3091 or [email protected]

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