Learn how county land banks acquired unoccupied, tax delinquent properties free of charge.
Recently, the Ohio Supreme Court announced an opinion that is of importance for county elected officials and community and economic developers. The court chose to rebuff an effort to abolish expedited tax foreclosures, and instead upheld the practice in which county Boards of Revision (BOR) may choose to transfer unoccupied, tax delinquent properties to county land banks. This white paper reviews this decision and why expedited tax foreclosure remains good law today.

Jeffry Harris
Bricker & Eckler LLP
- Economic development attorney with leading Midwest law firm based in Columbus, Ohio serving national client base
- More than 20 years’ experience as economic development practitioner in leadership roles at state, county, and municipal levels
- Former land bank general counsel (Knox County, Ohio)
- Former Knox County (Ohio) Special Prosecutor, Board of Revision Tax Foreclosures
- Former Chief Financial Officer, Ohio Department of Development
- Development Finance Certified Professional (Council of Development Finance Professionals)
- J.D. degree and M.P.A. degree, The Ohio State University

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