Avoid criminal liability from job site construction accidents.
The key to protecting against accidents - whether they give rise to criminal liability or not - is vigilance. Vigilance in training. Vigilance in monitoring safety standards. Vigilance in documenting company compliance with those standards. This white paper discusses how the time to become vigilant is during the hiring and onboarding process.

Cheri T. Gatlin
Burr & Forman LLP
- Partner in the Jackson, Mississippi office of Burr & Forman LLP
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of construction and project development, from preconstruction contract negotiation, to managing and resolving construction claims, to navigating post-construction operations issues
- Counseled and represented clients regarding numerous jobsite accidents, which resulted in severe injury and death
- Active member of the American Bar Association Forum on construction law
- J.D. degree, with special distinction, Mississippi College School of Law
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 601-709-3455

Christopher D. Meyer
Burr & Forman
- Partner in the Jackson, Mississippi office of Burr & Forman LLP
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of construction and project development, from preconstruction contract negotiation, to managing and resolving construction claims, to navigating post-construction operations issues
- Counseled and represented clients regarding numerous jobsite accidents, which resulted in severe injury and death
- Active member of the American Bar Association Forum on construction law
- J.D. degree, University of Miami
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 601-709-3455

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