What’s in a Name?
There is a debate in Canada over the words irregular and illegal and which one should be used to describe an individual that crosses the Canadian border illegally. One train of thought is that the individual is not illegal but is an asylum seeker. This white paper reviews the importance of the language and why labels matter for those that are seeking residence in a new country.
Andy J. Semotiuk
Pace Law Firm
Immigration lawyer Andy Semotiuk has helped over 10,000 clients with various legal problems since 1974. Andy Semotiuk works with investors, executives, professionals, and celebrities in the entertainment industry. Andy Semotiuk is an authority on the topic of U.S. and Canadian immigration, writing articles for Forbes as well as speaking internationally on the subject. As a member of the bars in Ontario, British Columbia in Canada and New York and California in the United States, Andy is well versed in both U.S. and Canadian immigration laws. This allows him to fully understand the circumstances and the technicalities involved when dealing with immigration across the U.S.-Canadian border, as well as dealing with immigrants who are coming from abroad. Whether you are looking to get your work visa, permanent resident status, a passport or having your family members join you, rely on the experience of Andy J. Semotiuk. The results you receive could profoundly change your life and the life of your entire family. Watch Andy Semotiuk’s videos and read his blog for more information. You can also find out more about him at My Work Visa.

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