Online Aspects: Jurisdictional Issues
There are no special jurisdictional rules for international online cases. Outbound jurisdictional issues involve the extent to which courts within the United States may exercise long-arm in personam jurisdiction over persons and entities outside the United States. Although some courts are hesitant to find long-arm jurisdiction where the foreign party’s contacts with the forum are only online and do not involve physical presence, the same basic minimum contacts rules apply for both domestic and international cases. This white paper reviews both outbound and inbound jurisdictional issues.

Bob Ellis
Hennis, Rothstein & Ellis LLP
- Partner at Hennis, Rothstein & Ellis LLP
- Practices in the areas of Internet and technology law, intellectual property law (including trademark registrations for non-U.S. companies), business and corporate law, international and domestic commercial transactions, virtual currency law, privacy law, and drone law (law of unmanned aerial systems or UAS); frequent speaker on topics related to the Internet, digital technology law, international private law, and legal ethics
- Author of the 2019 edition of Stuckey & Ellis, Internet and Online Law (Law Journal Press), and the author of numerous articles and op-ed pieces regarding legal topics
- Twice testified before Congress on information law topics
- Served as chair of the Ohio State Bar Association’s International Law Committee, as chair of its OSBA's Digital Technology Law Committee, and as a member of the OSBA's Ad Hoc Committee on Multijurisdictional Practice
- J.D. degree, Antioch School of Law; B.A. degree, Ohio State
- Can be contacted at [email protected]

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