Learn how chatbots can be useful tools.
Most job seekers want to talk to someone at the company they are apply for employment at. When the company is seeking employees for an open position in your company, most of the time the humans are pressed for time to talk with every applicant. Learn how chatbots can save the humans time and get someone hired quickly. This white paper reviews how chatbots can be a huge resource for your company.

Roger Lear
- Cofounder of GreatInsuranceJobs.com and OrlandoJobs.com; since 2001, these sites have been leaders in their respective niches
- Expertise is being able keep reinventing the job board, digital recruiting technology model to stay competitive and find great talent for our respective clients
- President of Lear & Associates, executive search firm specializing in insurance www.Learsearch.com, since 1989, the art of recruiting as an executive search consultant laid the framework to how to source, attract and hire talent; built first website in 1995 (before domain names)
- Recruitment technology speaker to employer groups, SHRM chapters and national associations since 2005
- TA Tech (The Association for Talent Acquisition Solutions) board member
- Jobs Partnership of Central Florida, advisor
- HR Florida Conference, exhibit chair, 2009 - present, volunteer
- SHRM and GOSHRM, member since 2004
- Can be contacted at 407-645-4224 x202 or [email protected]

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