Gain tips to be better prepared for virtual events.
Conferences, government trade shows and expos can be used as an excellent method for services and products business vendors as a first step to working with government agencies and decision-makers. In today’s world of dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, these types of events have switched from in-person events to virtual events. While these two platforms can be quite different, they both have their own sets of pros and cons. This white paper reviews tips to make the most out of a virtual event and discusses how to manage your expectations going into a virtual event.

Gloria Larkin
- President, CEO TargetGov
- Creator of the FAST™ Process and KickStart Program™
- Clients have won $6+ billion in federal contracts
- Nationally recognized federal contracting business development expert
- American Express Procurement Advisor
- Quoted in Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, INC Magazine, Bloomberg
- Author of The Basic Guide to Government Contracting
- Educational Foundation Board Chair Emeritus for
- Can be contacted at 866-579-1346 x325 or [email protected]

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