Communication can be more difficult than you think.
If you want to become more effective as a leader, more successful in meetings, or more confident while resolving conflicts, become a better communicator. On the high end of the communication skill spectrum, you find that great leaders are often great communicators. On the low-end, research indicates that poor communication skills can contribute to family disputes escalating to domestic violence. Read this white paper for tips on how you can improve your skills and become a better communicator.

Guy Harris
The Kevin Eikenberry Group
- Master trainer and coach with The Kevin Eikenberry Group, a learning and development organization located in Indianapolis, Indiana that specializes in leadership, communication, team dynamics, and conflict resolution skills
- Coaches, consults, and conducts regular seminars and workshops on leadership development, communication skills, team dynamics, and workplace conflict resolution
- Wrote, From Bud to Boss: Secrets to a Successful Transition to Remarkable Leadership and The Recovering Engineer Blog; hosts the Talk Like a Leader podcast
- M.S. and B.S. degrees in chemical engineering; qualified engineering officer (nuclear) United States Navy; master trainer in the DISC Model of Human Behavior; and workplace conflict resolution expert
- Can be contacted at 317-387-1424 x13, [email protected] or on Twitter® @recovengineer

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