It is not uncommon for schools to be placed in the middle of custody disputes.
FERPA gives parents and eligible students the right to access a student’s education records; object to information contained in those records that they believe is inaccurate, misleading or a violation of the student’s privacy rights; and requires educational institutions to obtain written authorization from a parent or eligible student before disclosing a student’s education records, unless one of FERPA’s exceptions apply. This white paper reviews these exceptions including evidence of a court order, a State statute, or a legally binding document that specifically revokes such rights relative to a parent; as well as confidentiality protections under FERPA.

James P. Evans
Barclay Damon LLP
- Partner with Barclay Damon, LLP
- More than 25 years’ experience representing educational institutions, including K-12 and post-secondary institutions, in all facets of education law
- Represents numerous educational institutions, including private schools, charter schools and public school districts concerning all facets of education law, including student privacy
- Advises not-for-profit corporations regarding compliance issues and matters pertaining to education rights
- Has obtained significant experience representing parents, students and educational institutions regarding all facets of education law, including federal and state law compliance
- Adjunct professor of education at Le Moyne College, where he has constructed and taught a master's level course in education law for school administrators over the past nine years
- Frequent speaker and lecturer regarding school law education law and related matters

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