Gain an understanding of issues surrounding manufactured home financing.
Statistical analysis of manufactured home financing transactions, including retail installment financing, are facilitated by the expanded Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) data collection and reporting requirements that applied for calendar year 2018 and forward. This white paper reviews how those who live in manufactured home parks by renting space in such parks, and either renting or owning the manufactured homes situated in such parks, may be disproportionately low-income, compared to persons who live in site built homes, and how manufactured homeowners and renters also may include higher numbers of persons with low English language proficiency which raises demographic-related compliance concerns.

Elizabeth C. Yen
Hudson Cook, LLP
- Partner in the New Haven, Connecticut, office of Hudson Cook LLP, headquartered in Maryland
- Past chair of the Truth in Lending Subcommittee of the Consumer Financial Services Committee of the American Bar Association's Section of Business Law
- Past chair of the Consumer Law Section of the Connecticut Bar Association
- Fellow of the American College of Consumer Financial Services Lawyers, and a member of the Conference on Consumer Finance Law and the Board of Editors of The Banking Law Journal (a LexisNexis A.S. Pratt publication)
- J.D. degree, cum laude, University of Michigan Law School
- B.A. degree, cum laude, Yale College
- Can be contacted at 203-776-1911 or [email protected]

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