What codes and rating systems currently exist?
You may rightfully surmise that green buildings are going to become the standard. It may even come to pass that rather than green buildings being called green, buildings that are not green are going to be called brown. Brown buildings will be less desirable and more difficult to lease and to sell. We know that is already happening, and there have been several articles written on this topic. But it’s never too soon to do something about it.

James L. (Jim) Newman
Newman Consulting Group LLC
- One of the country’s most experienced energy efficiency and green building experts
- Known as the Dean of Green, regularly speaks to professionals, student groups, and the media about sustainability and green technology
- Owner/Managing Partner of Newman Consulting Group LLC (NCG), headquartered in Farmington Hills, MI
- Certified Energy Manager (CEM), LEED Accredited Professional for Building Design and Construction (LEED AP BD+C), ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer (DL), Operations and Performance Management Professional (OPMP), Building Energy Assessment Professional (BEAP), Fellow of the Engineering Society of Detroit (FESD), and a Fellow of ASHRAE
- Has received many awards over the years, a few of which are Green Leader by Corp! Magazine and the Detroit Free Press, Sustainable Community Champion by EcoWorks, and several from ESD, most recent were a Lifetime Achievement Award by the Detroit Chapter of BOMA (Building Owners and Managers Association) in 2019, and Fellow of ASHRAE IN 2021

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