Learn how to be more effective at delegating.
Delegation is not just a top-down process. Departments delegate to other departments. Employees delegate to other employees and so on. This white paper will discuss effective ways to delegate and common approaches to avoid to improve your employee to employee, manager to employee and department to department relationships.

Tim Connor
Connor Resource Group
- Partner in the office of Connor Resource Group
- Global speaker and trainer and bestselling author of over 80 books
- Over 4,000 engagements in 27 countries
- Earned the prestigious CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) designation from the National Speakers Association in 1990, held by fewer than 700 people today
- He is a respected and globally sought-after business and career coach, consultant and speaker that facilitates organization strategic planning sessions each year for many clients
- Several of his sales and management books have achieved global bestselling status including Soft Sell, You Call That Selling, Corporate Disconnect and 81 Management Challenges
- Can be contacted at 704-875-1230 or [email protected]

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