Asking your prospect or customer questions means you have to really listen to their answers.
Most people think that they are a good listener. As a salesperson, it is important to make sure that you are a good listener. If you are doing the majority of the talking on a sales call, then you are definitely talking too much and not listening enough. This white paper helps to break down how to become a great listener to help you improve your position in sales.

Debbie Mrazek
The Sales Company
- Founder of The Sales Company in Plano, TX, a management and sales consulting firm
- Over 30 years in sales which includes millions in sales herself
- Has helped entrepreneurs, small privately held and Fortune 50 companies in multiple industries
- Consultant, author of 14 books, international conference facilitator, and a highly sought-after public speaker
- Can be contacted at 214-676-8486, or

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