Email can be seductive and lures us in with its convenience … but it can also take us into some legal waters.
Email is immediate, it is comfortable, it is often informal and not stuffy. It can also put people into an uncomfortable, and in some cases quite embarrassing situations with unintended legal consequences. While there is loads of information that you should flat out ignore on the Internet the latest quote going around about “emailing like it may one day be read aloud in a deposition” is definitely advice worth heeding. This white paper reviews email tips to help you mitigate risk for yourself and your company.

Karen L. Hart
Bell Nunnally & Martin LLP
- Partner in the office of Bell Nunnally & Martin LLP
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of business and commercial litigation
- Conducts regular seminars and workshops on numerous business and litigation matters
- Author of several publications related to the areas of litigation, real estate, and creditor’s rights
- Member of National Association of Credit Management; Commercial Real Estate Women
- J.D. degree, University of Texas School of Law
- Can be contacted at 214-740-1444 or [email protected]

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