Don't let record retention slow down your unclaimed property review.
Congratulations! You just successfully completed an acquisition, and the business press and your industry peers have all taken notice. Another group is following your transaction as well: state unclaimed property auditors. This white paper reviews the importance of performing the proper due diligence to avoid a costly audit.

Maureen Ferrari Grollman
Dunbar Group
- National Practice Leader Consulting and Reporting, Dunbar Group
- Was the National Practice Leader for Reporting and Consulting for Unclaimed Property Advocates when they joined forces with Dunbar to become a full-service unclaimed property service provider
- Previously worked at Keane as Managing Director of outsourced reporting; she managed a team of 20 staff members servicing over 350 clients in the financial services, life insurance, mutual fund, transfer agent, utility, manufacturing, and retail industries
- Started her unclaimed property career at the Pennsylvania Treasury, Bureau of Unclaimed Property, where among other duties, she managed the State’s voluntary disclosure program (VDA), counseling and assisting companies with Pennsylvania’s statutory compliance obligations
- Her work earned her national recognition from the industry’s leading trade association, which recognized her for leading the most efficient claims processing program among all state unclaimed property programs.
- Distinguished faculty member of Lorman Education Services and presents webinars on unclaimed property related topics
- Member of the Unclaimed Property Professionals Organization (UPPO)

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