Learn why managing a calendar is more than just filling in the open dates.
Calendar management is a valuable skill to have and can help provide a better and more productive workday for both yourself and your boss. This white paper discusses why meeting planning and calendar management is a cognitive task and requires human interaction and reviews questions to ask when looking at meeting requests.

Joan Burge
Office Dynamics International
- Founder and CEO of Office Dynamics International and pioneer of the administrative training industry, since 1990
- Office Dynamics International, is the global industry leader offering a broad range of solutions and providing high-performance, sophisticated executive and administrative assistant training and coaching
- An accomplished speaker, corporate trainer, instructional designer, coach, and author
- Written 5 books for assistants including the Amazon best seller, Who Took My Pen…Again?
- Produced more than 350 educational videos for administrative professionals
- Created 3 certification/designation courses for administrative and executive assistants
- Hosted 28 annual in-person conferences for assistants
- Designed more than 250 standalone courses and workshops for executive and administrative assistants
- Coached more than 300 executives and assistants on building strategic partnerships
- Can be contacted at 800-STAR-139 or [email protected] and you can also follow her at Facebook.com/OfficeDynamics or connect at LinkedIn.com/in/JoanBurge

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