Opportunity zones must meet certain income requirement standards.
Opportunity zones are specific tracts of land nominated by state governors and certified by the U.S. Treasury Department. These tracts of land that were nominated had to meet some low-income community requirement standards. However, governors had the flexibility to expand into developed or already developed areas; there one million properties across all property types nationwide located in opportunity zones. This video reviews opportunity zone terminology, discusses opportunity zone funds, and reviews four levels of opportunity zone tax benefits.

Scott R. Saunders
Asset Preservation Inc.
- Senior vice president with Asset Preservation, Inc. (API), a subsidiary of Stewart Information Services Corporation (NYSE: STC)
- Extensive background in IRC §1031 tax deferred exchanges, having been involved in structuring thousands and thousands of §1031 exchanges during his thirty-two years in the exchange industry
- Dedicates a significant portion of his time presenting classes on intermediate and advanced §1031 exchange strategies to accountants, attorneys, financial advisors, real estate brokers, and principals nationwide
- Has spoken many times for various associations and organizations
- Contributing author to the book Real Estate Exchanges: Using the Tax Deferred Exchange in Real Estate Investment Management and has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, CNBC, Forbes Real Estate Investor, and U.S. News and World Report
- Has written over 200 articles on various aspects of §1031 exchanges, capital gain taxation, and investment real estate, featured in many investment publications such as the New York Real Estate Journal, Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal, Inman News, REBusiness Online, Heartland Real Estate Business, Western Real Estate Business, REALTORS® Land Institute Terra Firma, ALTA’s Title News, HousingWire, and many other real estate and other financial publications
- Degree in business economics, University of California at Santa Barbara

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