Learn a best practice tip to strengthen leadership.
This video is #5 in the Top 5 causes of project failure and best practices to avoid them. Organizations need to recognize the need to strengthen the leadership of projects. Leadership is a key skill for project managers and leadership is important for many reasons. This video reviews one of the most important reasons – managing the intensity of conflicts. Our speaker also discusses how to become a collaborative leader.

Ray W. Frohnhoefer, MBA, PMP, CCP
PPC Group, LLC
- Managing Partner, PPC Group, LLC
- Focuses on publications, courses, and consulting for new and accidental project managers
- San Diego-based educator and trainer and international project management speaker
- Author of three Amazon international bestsellers on business project management
- Lead Inventor, Siebel Quick Estimating Tool (Patent us 7,801,834 B2)
- Member of Project Management Institute (PMP #227656)
- M.B.A. degree in technology management; B.S. degree in mathematics/computer science
- Graduate, Project Management Institute’s Leadership Institute Masters Class
- Can be contacted at 760-685-2197 or [email protected]

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