Permits are only the beginning.
May permits may have conditions on them. Whether it’s additional reports, or drawing, etc., they are all conditions of the permit. You are still getting the license to do the work, but there could be conditions attached and you have to execute the permit in accordance with the limitations that have been placed on the permit. Watch this video for details on how to monitor the conditions of the permit and tips on documenting and reporting.

Milton G. Grew, AIA
Grew Design Inc
- Practicing architect for 30 years, designing hundreds of buildings; licensed in CT, NY and NJ
- Building official for 20 years providing code consulting services to building owners, design professionals and municipalities
- Director of Permits and Inspections for the Town of East Hartford for the last 8 years
- Past member of the AIA Codes & Standards Committee
- Past member of code development committees of the International Code Council
- Regularly teaches continuing education seminars for code officials and architects

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