Learn negotiation strategies.
A contract is a legally binding agreement in which either party can legally enforce the terms, if the other party fails to comply with the terms. Negotiating a contract is a discussion and compromise of terms to reach a final draft acceptable to all parties. This video reviews the importance of understanding contract principles and steps to take pre-negotiations and discusses strategies to negotiating a contract.

Raeann Bromark
Clyde & Co US LLP
- Litigation paralegal with Boyle Shaughnessy Law in Norwalk, CT
- Has spent 20 years as a paralegal focusing on a wide variety of specialties, mainly litigation
- Very active in the paralegal profession at both the local and national levels
- On the Legal Advisory Council for two colleges
- Presented numerous CLE webinars and seminars
- Volunteers as a court appointed Guardian Ad Litem with CIP (Children In Placement) in Connecticut
- Graduate, Norwalk Community College Paralegal Program (ABA approved)
- Can be contacted at 860-952-9800 or [email protected]

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