
  • 54 minutes

Legal Implications of Documentation in the Electronic Medical Record


Documentation is critical to defending the care provided.

Nurses spend a lot of time documenting and more and more documentation is being added. Why do they have to document so much? Legal documents provide evidence of the patient’s care. Most patients won’t remember a year after the care took place whether or not their nurse handled their care correctly. That documentation is the only thing that can help a potential future legal situation. This video reviews the purpose of documentation, nurse’s notes, and case law.

Runtime: 53 minutes



Katie Aumann Morales, Ph.D., RN, CNE

Katie Aumann Morales, Ph.D., RN, CNE

Berry College

  • Assistant professor of nursing at Berry College
  • 34 years’ experience as a nurse, 14 years’ experience as a legal nurse consultant, and 8 years’ experience in education
  • Professional presentations on nursing and education topics include Studying for Learning: Active Studying Strategies Lilly Conference on Innovative Strategies to Advance Student Learning and How Do Nurses Ensure That Patient Care Is Safe? Quest for Quality Mayo Civic Center Rochester, Minnesota
  • Publications related to nursing and nursing education include QSEN Teaching Strategies: Collaborative Exams to Promote Learning Through Teamwork and Collaboration; Sponge relay and cardiac Output; Nursing Education Perspectives: Active learning strategies to enhance nursing students’ knowledge of Pharmacology; Use of an Aquarium and Pump to Demonstrate Cardiac Function; Evidence-Based Practice; In Manning, L. & Rayfield, S. Pharmacology Made Insanely Easy and Nursing Made Insanely Easy (9th ed) and (8th ed); Nursing Management in Health Promotion, In Rayfield, T. & Rayfield, S. Keeping It Real! Simplified. (2nd ed.). Bemis, P. Emergency Nursing Bible: Principles and Practices of Complaint-based Emergency Nursing, (5th ed.) Glossary In Peterson, A. & Kopishke, L. Legal Nurse Consulting: Principles & Practice (3rd ed.). Boca Raton, FL; CRC Press Infection Control Tips; Tools for monitoring hand hygiene in a long-term care facility, Infection Peer-Reviewed Published Abstracts Testing the effect of a resident-focused hand hygiene intervention in a long-term care facility: A mixed methods feasibility study, Virginia Henderson Global Nursing e-Repository. and ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database
  • Member of Phi Kappa Phi, Golden Key International Honour Society, Association for General & Liberal Studies, Graduate Nursing Student Academy, Alpha Chi, Georgia Association for Nursing, and Sigma Theta Tau International
  • Ph.D. degree, Georgia Baptist College of Nursing of Mercer University; M.S. degree in nursing education, Grand Canyon University; B.S. degree in nursing, University of Phoenix; associate degree in nursing, Columbus State University
  • Can be contacted at 706-889-2915 or [email protected] and on Twitter® @KMorales
Megan Farrow, MSN, RN, SANE

Megan Farrow, MSN, RN, SANE

Nightingale College

  • Assistant Professor at Nightingale College
  • Over 10 years of education experience in clinical, classroom and simulation
  • Training and certifications include: IAFN Interpersonal Violence Certification, IAFN Adult/Adolescent Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Certification, National STD Course/ University of Washington, Keith RN/ Clinical Reasoning Conference, NCSBN Item Writing Conference, Sylvia Rayfield Item Writing Conference, Basic Life Saving American Heart (BLS), Pediatric Advanced Life Saving (PALS), and Advanced Cardiac Life Saving (ACLS)
  • Experienced speaker on nursing education, curriculum innovation, and clinical documentation, with presentations at national and regional conferences, including ACEN, Lorman, and the Georgia Association of Nurse Educators
  • Member of Alaska Nurses Association, International Association of Forensic Nurses, Georgia Association of Nurse Educators , and Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Society
  • M.S. Degree in nursing education, Walden University; B.S. Degree in nursing, University of West Georgia; A.S. Degree in nursing, Georgia Highlands College; B.A. Degree, Georgia Highlands College
  • Can be contacted at [email protected]

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