Get clear on what’s in your way, and tackle your obstacles head on.
Fears, bad habits and faulty thinking are just some of the obstacles that get in the way of doing what you want to do. Can you identify what your obstacles are? Do you have too much to do? Are you avoiding discomfort? Our speaker, Maryann Murphy, MSW, CPO®, reviews how to determine what obstacles you are facing and provides tips to make these obstacles smaller and get through the tasks at hand.

Maryann Murphy, MSW, CPO®
Maryann Murphy, MSW, Professional Organizer
- Certified Professional Organizer®; full-time organizing and time management business for 11 years
- Former clinical social worker/behavior therapist working with adults to improve productivity and reduce stress for over 10 years
- Author of STOP Wasting Your Precious Time: 60 Easy Strategies for Eliminating Your Biggest Time Wasters at Work, available in paperback and Kindle from Amazon
- Professional speaker, conducting regular seminars, workshops, and webinars on time management, downsizing, organizing, and overcoming procrastination; creator of two “28 Day Success” coaching programs on time & paper management
- Past president, National Speakers Association New England chapter; award-winning speaker and Distinguished Toastmaster, Toastmasters international
- Golden Circle member of National Association of Productivity and Professional Organizing (NAPO), director of professional development, instructor for new organizer workshops, co-chair of national special interest group
- Ran U.S. Census for three counties, 250,000 residents as a local census office manager
- Master’s degree in social work; B.A. degree in psychology, certificate as specialist in chronic disorganization
- Can be contacted at 508-292-6706, [email protected], on Twitter® @MMurphyMSW, or

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