There is no prescribed code of ethics governing what work investigators can and cannot accept.
Pretexting has been in our language since 1501, meaning to disguise, or literally, to weave in front. Dissemblance, ruse, working undercover, living truthfully under imaginary circumstances … it’s what investigators do to. They go undercover to get information; they are licensed to do that routinely, and can be a very useful tool for many industries. This video provides a review of pretexting, case law and ethical guidelines and challenges, and best practice tips.

Ken Taylor
Com Laude USA
- Director of Business Development at Com Laude 2014-present
- Chairman and CEO Marksmen (a world leader in Brand Protection Services) 1998-2014
- Licensed Private Investigator in North Carolina and California since 1998. In that time, directed more than 75,000 worldwide IP related investigations and acquisitions
- Actively involved with various IP, anti-counterfeiting and Internet organizations since 1998 including INTA, IPO, PTMG, MARQUES, ICANN, AIPLA and the IACC
- Frequent speaker on ethical investigations since 2000 at INTA, as well as at various state IP law association group meetings and law firm partner retreats around the country. His presentations have qualified for CLE in NC, DC, NY, CA, CO, GA, MN, WA, AZ, FL, PA, TX, NV, NJ, CT, AL
- Can be contacted at 1751 Pinnacle Drive, Suite 600, McClean VA, 22102, by phone 919-271-5111 or email [email protected]

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