You can’t design outside of the standards.
However you can, when it’s constructed, accept things that are outside of the standards as conventional industry tolerances. These are construction tolerances … not design tolerances. Best practices in dimensioning should be used when designing. Build the tolerances into the dimensioning of the element to help the contractors be successful. This video reviews reach ranges, room dimensions, and quantity and dimension determination.

Brad Gaskins, AIA, NCARB, CASp
The McIntosh Group LLC
- Partner at The McIntosh Group LLC
- Three decades of experience in the practice of architecture
- Author of several white papers and published articles regarding accessibility and ADA compliance
- ICC Certified Accessibility Inspector
- Represents The National Association for Convenience and Fuel Retailing (NACS) on the ANSI A117.1 Consensus Committee on Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities. (This committee develops the national standard that guides building owners on accessibility.)
- Serves on the Oklahoma Board of Licensed Architects and the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards
- Nationally renowned expert on accessibility, leading presentations, seminars and webinars for professional groups nationwide, including continuing education training for other A/E/C professionals from coast to coast
- Can be contacted at [email protected], 918-585-8555 or Twitter®: @ADAGeek

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