Why do attorneys serve on nonprofit boards?
An attorney may have a sense of duty, or want to give back to the community. Attorneys tend to be leaders and have a level of expertise making them ideal candidates. With all those good intentions what could possibly go wrong? This video reviews the unintended consequences of serving on a nonprofit board.

David A. Firmin
Altitude Community Law
- Managing partner with the law firm of Altitude Community Law, P.C.
- Has an extensive background in real estate law and development issues including formation and creation of homeowners associations
- Formerly worked with Ryland Homes and K. Hovnanian Homes handling land acquisitions, land entitlements, corporate governance and special districts
- Worked with the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority and the Douglas County Housing Partnership setting up homeowner associations for low-income affordable housing developments
- Served on the CAI-RMC Spring Showcase Committee for multiple years, has been a presenter at the CAI – Law Seminar and is a current member of the CLAC

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