As project manager, you will spend 65 – 85% of your time communicating.
Projects are about people management, which requires communication – both formal and informal. You may be communicating with multiple audiences including executives, peers, team members, vendors, and customers. This communication could be done in face-to-face meetings, working sessions, presentations, emails, hallway conversations, and phone calls. Creating a communication plan to describe the flow of information will make your project run smoother.

Lisa-Ann Barnes, PMP, Project+
- President of BluePontoon
- More than 25 years’ experience in project management in multiple industries and business functions
- Developed an adaptable methodology for project management and has implemented it successfully in many companies
- Helps organizations, teams, and individuals improve their project management capabilities through strategy development, project management office implementations, and training
- On-site, virtual, self-paced training classes on several project management topics
- Author of several books about project management
- Adjunct faculty at Northwestern University and recipient of the Distinguished Teaching Excellence Award
- Certified as Project Management Professional from Project Management Institute and Project+ from CompTIA
- B.S. degree in finance, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois

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