Don’t reply-all unless it really does apply to all.
The list of email pet peeves could be quite lengthy. No subject line or only a subject line, email debris, and incomplete messages are just a few. In this video, our speaker reviews different email pet peeves, as well as guidelines for texting and instant messaging. Common sense isn’t always common practice.

Jordan Jensen, Ed.D.
Freedom Focused LLC
- Founder and CEO of Freedom Focused LLC
- Wrote four books including the recently released, Self-Action Leadership: The Key to Personal, Professional, & Global Freedom (authorHouse, 2015)
- Wrote hundreds of articles in newspapers and other periodicals
- Extensive soft skills training expertise including: conducted 600 live trainings for more than 20,000 people in 44 U.S. States, five provinces of Canada, and nine counties of Great Britain; and facilitated more than 45 different courses spanning over a dozen different soft skill topics
- Ed.D. degree, Fielding Graduate University; B.A. degree in English, Utah Valley University
- Can be contacted at 832-618-5451, [email protected], Twitter® @JordanRJensen,, blog:, Facebook® Freedom Focused/Dr. Jordan R. Jensen, or LinkedIn® Jordan R. Jensen, Ed.D.

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