What are your alternatives to resolving the conflict?
There are different levels of organizational conflict – interpersonal, intradepartmental and interdepartmental. Conflict can occur between individuals, with a group or team, or between departments and team in the same organization. This video reviews how to negotiate conflict with two types of bargaining. Distributive bargaining is negotiating to divide up a limited amount of resources, and integrative bargaining which is negotiating one or more settlements that attempt to create a win-win outcome. Learn about common issues in organizational conflict and review valuable decision making techniques.

Bob Churilla
Conflict Resolution Professionals Group
- Partner and co-founder of Conflict Resolution Professionals Group (CRPG), a conflict resolution and consensus building consulting firm that specializes in helping organizations to resolve conflict and build consensus through mediation, facilitation, training, coaching, consulting, and team building
- Some of his clients include the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Transportation Security Administration (TSA), Unity Worldwide Ministries, Ohio Historical Society, and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)
- Also, a visiting professor at DeVry University and teaches classes on leadership, negotiation, workplace conflict and managing organizational change in the school’s graduate programs
- Has served as the programming chair for both the International Coach Federation - Cleveland, Ohio Chapter and the Organizational Development Connection, Cleveland Chapter
- Published the article “Coping and Planning for Uncertainties in the Development of Exceptions to the Employment-at-Will Doctrine” in the Cleveland State Law Review, 1989
- Ph.D. degree in conflict resolution and analysis; J.D. degree
- Can be contacted at 440-725-8723 or [email protected]

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