Why are cannabis companies a target for the IRS?
It’s not just that they sell a federally illegal product for cash but there is a provision of the code, Section 280E, which disallows ordinary and necessary expenses for tax payers who sell Schedule 1 and Schedule 2 controlled substances. This video reviews cannabis companies and the impact of tax reform; as well as discusses tax court litigation case law.

Jennifer Benda
Hall Estill
- Partner with Fox Rothschild LLP
- Former certified public accountant who focuses her practice on tax controversy, tax compliance and tax planning for clients with difficult and sophisticated tax issues
- Extensive experience handling cases involving IRS focused compliance regimes including for clients who invested in listed transactions, conservation easements, captive insurance arrangements, and clients who own marijuana businesses
- Experience as a CPA makes her uniquely qualified to address the issues of the marijuana industry, which are a unique blend of accounting and legal considerations
- Counsels accountants faced with professional liability issues
- J.D. degree, with honors, George Washington University Law School; M.S. and B.B.A. degrees in accounting, Texas A&M University

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