What really is the subject matter of the provisions in the contract?
A fair number of contract clauses are focused on risks. Risk by one party, risk from another party, risk from the marketplace, risk from the weather, and so on. Contract clauses could focus on delays, and performance, and who has to bear those risks. This video reviews how risks, as well as rewards, are allocated; defines obligations, benefits and rights; and discusses why balancing obligations and benefits is essential.

Jim Bergman
Commercial Officers Group
- CEO of Commercial Officers Group, a thought leader on all matters related to commercial contract management
- Through his “in the trenches” experience as an attorney and commercial contract management professional, he has delivered over $100 million in negotiated savings and value for money through his contract management support
- Been involved in numerous research studies on contract management
- Conducted workshops and webinars on contract management for the benefit of over 10,000 individuals during the past decade
- Sessions have been delivered to individuals in over 100 countries
- In addition to being licensed as an attorney in Illinois, Texas and Oklahoma, he has been certified as CCM Practitioner, CCM Advanced Practitioner, and CCM Expert
- Can be contacted at 720-470-9846 or [email protected]

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