When do you need to use In-Situ load testing?
You’ve done the initial field investigation and are now have the next level of questions that need to be asked. The first step is to do a structural review and determine the effect of the deterioration on load carrying capacity and the urgency of the repairs. Once that step is addressed then the feasibility of the repairs or the repair alternatives need to be determined and analyzed, risks need to be identified, and costs determined. Sometimes at this point, depending on the age of the structure, it may not be possible to determine that calculation which is when in-situ load testing comes into play. This video reviews risk assessment cases and their outcomes.

R. Brett Holland, Ph.D., P.E., S.E.
Simpson Gumpertz & Heger
- Senior Staff II – Structures at Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, Inc., a 500-person consulting engineering firm with headquarters in Waltham, MA
- Registered Engineer in AL, IL, MA, NY, and TX
- Experienced in the development of high performance concrete (HPC) mix designs for specialized durability or strength requirements
- Experienced in the implementation of specialty concrete performance in design and construction
- Experienced in precast concrete production and troubleshooting assignments
- Experienced in condition assessment, repair, and rehabilitation of existing concrete structures including historic stadiums, parking garages, and transportation structures
- Author of several publications related to the design, durability, and performance of HPC concrete
- BSCE, MSCE, and Ph.D. from Georgia Institute of Technology
- Active member of the American Concrete Institute, including: Associate Member Committee 201 – Durability of Concrete; Associate Member Committee 236 – Material Science of Concrete; Voting Member Subcommittee 318-A – Structural Concrete Building Code: Concrete Materials and Construction
- Can be contacted at [email protected]

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