Learn 5 reasons rewards for performance fail.
You shouldn’t provide your employees with a dollar for every effort that they make. That type of procedure will cause employees to equate their worth to that number. Rewards and punishment share the same side of the coin. Both attempt to illicit change in behavior. Both are used as a motivator or manipulator. Both serve as a distraction resulting in poor work. Both describe the same long term pattern – more and more incentives or more and more sanctions. Listen to this video for additional reasons why rewards for performance fail.

Cherie Avinger
Visionary Perception, Inc.
- President/CEO in the office of Visionary Perception, Inc.
- ODL consultant and executive coach in the office of RCL Agencies, Inc.
- Expert in accelerated leadership development, highly effective teams, innovative processes, and maximized profits for mid and large-level corporations
- Author of the innovative Visionary Perception and Lee Systems training models and coaching programs
- Certified in DISC and MBTI
- Certification Entrepreneurship Essentials, Harvard Business, HBx
- Certified Professional Coach, IPEC, and accredited by the International Coach Federation
- Masters Certification in the Global Supply Chain Management Michigan State University
- A member of SHRM, Chamber of Commerce, Change, Create, Transform Org, NAPW, and NSA
- Mentor, Montclair State University Accelerated Business Program
- Master’s degree in organizational development and leadership, St. Joseph’s University; bachelor’s degree in business education and management, Montclair State University

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