What is the best concrete repair approach?
When dealing with concrete repair, the first thing that needs to be done is to identify the owner’s objective. Do they want a like new structure? Do they want what’s already there simply to be stabilized? Are they just trying to get something short term to carry them through the next couple of years? There are very different repair approaches for these different objectives.

Matthew R. Sherman, P.E., F.ACI
Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc
- Principal at Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc. with more than 20 years of experience in the construction industry, professionally licensed in Massachusetts and seven other states
- Project manager on numerous projects involving concrete materials, deleterious reactions in concrete, nondestructive testing, failure investigation, and repair of reinforced concrete, steel, and masonry structures
- Group leader of a team of structural engineers, materials engineers, chemists, and petrographers investigating failures nationwide
- Member of the International Concrete Repair Institute’s Technical Activities Committee that reviews and oversees the work of all ICRI technical committees
- Member of numerous other organizations including the American Concrete Institute, Concrete Society, American Welding Society and the International Concrete Repair Institute
- Written extensively on the topics of concrete materials and durability, diagnosis of concrete failure, preparation of concrete for repair, and selection of repair materials
- Speaker at World of Concrete, NACE conferences, Concrete Industry Board, ICRI national conventions, international conferences, regional DOT meetings, and ACI national conventions
- Articles have been featured in publications such as NACE Proceedings, Concrete International, The Construction Specifier, ASCE Fifth Congress on Forensic Engineering, Concrete Construction, and the ICRI Concrete Repair Bulletin
- M.S. degree, civil engineering, structural, The University of Texas at Austin; B.S. degree, civil engineering, Cornell University
- Can be contacted at [email protected]

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