Tips to Help New Leaders in the First 90 Days

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October 27, 2017

Tips to Help New Leaders in the First 90 Days

You've just landed your dream job as the team leader for an amazing company. Now what? The first 90 days in a new job are the most important. The struggle to get a group of people to work together is real. There are several things a team leader can do to motivate their new team. This article will discuss the most important things you can do to help motivate your new team and quickly achieve your goals.

Learn About Your Company

The first thing you must do when joining a new company is to learn as much about it as possible. Learn about the needs of your customers and your team members. Find out what your team members think are important to the organization. Find out the strengths and weaknesses of the company.

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Break the Ice

As the leader of the team, whether it is a new team you formed or an existing team you joined, you must get to know them. Learn as much as you can about their lives outside of the office. Do they have children? Where are they from? How long have the worked for this company? Find out their likes and dislikes.

Share previous experiences, and allow your team members to share what works and what does not work, so everyone is on the same page. Additionally, share things about yourself. Let your team get to know who you are, why you are making certain decisions, and what you expect from your team.

Team Leader’s Expectations and Goals

Your new team could have employees that have been around for years, all new hires, or a mixture. It is your job as team leader to set clear expectations for all your team members. It is vital that you set achievable goals for your team members and tell them what they can expect from you. Often times you will be redirecting or clarifying set goals to improve productivity.

It is your job to help new recruits feel comfortable asking for help. Do not rely on seasoned employees to help the new colleagues, but make sure you explain your methods and that every team member is treated the same.

Be present

Communicate with your team as much as possible. Give them constant updates on their progress, hold group meetings where they can share concerns. Check in constantly, send encouraging emails, and do whatever it takes to keep track of your team. It is better to be “too involved” in the first few months; than you can pull back when you are confident in your team's performance. 

Align Your Expectations with Results

In the first 90 days you will have formed a bond with your team members, set achievable goals, and shown them what to expect from you as a leader. Now, you must get results. You must track if they are achieving their goals as you planned, or if they need more coaching. You can praise team members that are doing well by acknowledging their achievements. This helps boost their confidence and increase efficiency. In contrast, if you have team members that are slacking you can meet with them one-on-one to solve any issues they may have. Perhaps they need clarification on what their job requires, or perhaps they lack the skills and need more training. Avoid reprimanding team members if you can, rather try to find ways to help them grow. This shows that you care about your team and want to keep it intact.

Learning about your new company, bonding with your team members, setting clear and achievable goals, and being present are just a few tips that will help new team leaders for amazing teams to help increase productivity. To learn more about transitioning into a leader position, contact us

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